Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Progress, with a Chance of Rain

Alright! So I was able to film the first scene of my video over spring break, and I originally scheduled to film the rest on this past Sunday (seeing as that was the best time for all of my cast and lead), but once Sunday came, the weather forecast changed completely, deciding to be 33 degrees with a chance of snow. Seeing as Brittany, my lead, is supposed to be playing in a creek and her with the 3-4 others are running through the woods outside, it was just WAY too cold to ask them to do that. I have rescheduled the shoot for Sunday, April 10th, and am VERY ready to get this filmed. I have included some screenshots of some of the clips that are in the intro scene, I hope you like them! I had a total of 14 confirmations before the shoot, but only 10 people actually showed up, but 10 worked great after all, in my opinion.
If there is one thing this whole process is just reminding me over and over again- coordinating with people is VERY VERY HARD. Hah, *sigh*.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

And the countdown begins...

As of right now, I will be shooting on Sunday, March 27th. I may try and shoot on the 20th as well, but it seems that the 27th works best for all of my models. If I do shoot this Sunday, it would only be the opening scene because its supposed to lightly rain that day and the fog for the fog machines would be denser. (The fog juice for the fog machine vaporizes or atomizes inside the fog machine. Upon exiting the fog machine and coming into contact with the moisture in the outside air the vapor condenses, resulting in a thicker, more visible fog.) Also, I think that rain would be an excellent touch to the beginning- but we'll see. I'm starting to get nervous about filming, but only because I've been anticipating this for so long now. I've also taken your advise and started making a more detailed list for each scene of what specific shots I need to make sure I get. Everything is slowly falling into place, the pressure is onnnn.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Locations are Photographed!

 So I finally shot my locations! Photographs are larger when selected. :)

For Intro:

 ^ The cars shouldn't be here when I shoot ^
The woods where my lead retreats to (will be fuller once trees bud)
Second Scene:
 I will shoot once the snow melt is over and the creeks and rivers recede.

Third Scene:
The woods most of the video will be shot it; all running scenes
 Final Scene:
 Where my final models run out of the woods into the clearing.

I hope this helps in seeing my vision! :) My meetings with my models are coming up next week and I will also start to collect all necessary props, and then the weather-watch begins....