Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mother Nature is a Tease

Well, the weather is a bit of a toss up at the moment, but supposedly its going to get better again here coming up. Progress is at a little bit of a standstill at the moment, seeing as I am more or less just waiting on the weather to film (still aiming for middle/end of March). I got Final Cut Pro on my laptop, so that will help once production/editing time comes around.

During our group meeting last week, you told me about getting/making a steadycam, WELL ALEX TRIMPE SAVES THE DAY! He has one that he said that I could borrow to shoot with!!!! I am mega excited about that. I have also contacted some of my models and sent them the .mp3 of the song so they can start learning the song itself. Alex gave me a lot of great advice, when I go out to photograph my locations, he advised me to shoot all of my b-roll then, so its one less thing that I need to worry about in the midst of the actual film day with all of my models. So, this has also been postponed due to the weather, so on to the next week of studying weather forcasts!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Weather is on my side!

Unfortunately I wasn't able to go out and shoot my locations this week, but I'm hoping this weekend it will be more likely that I will have the time (fingers crossed!). THANKFULLY it looks like spring is among us (again, fingers crossed!) so I may be able to shoot by the time spring break comes around! Naturally I can't shoot RIGHT after the snow melts because the drainage tunnel that I'm shooting in for the second scene can't really be gushing water. So now I am hoping the everything melts completely, and the earth starts to dry! It would be nice if things became greener too ^_^ FINGERS ARE MEGA CROSSED! :D

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Continued Progress!

I am almost entirely finished with my storyboard! I'm only a little stuck on filling about 14/19 seconds in the middle of the song (roughly between 1:44-2:05). I feel fantastic about this plot, and my vision kicks the you-know-whatty out of my rough- very rough- thumbnail sketches. My goal for next week is to go seek and photograph all of my locations. I also need to go to my old highschool and see if I can get permission to use the back of the school for this project, which I don't really see being a problem. My only concern is the weather. I won't be able to shoot until much of the snow melts, but I'm trying to keep a good eye on the weather. Honestly, I'm aiming at [hopefully] shooting during spring break, because I think I'll have the best luck getting my models all together at once. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! But needless to say, I'm still completely excited about this project and CANNOT wait to film! :D

Below are the images of my storyboard, as well as specifics on the third page.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Progress: The Cave

I am so jazzed up about this project! I have already chosen my lead for this piece, and I am collecting models for the rest of the video. As far as my story boarding goes, I have it all in my head and my hands just can't move fast enough to get it all on paper!

 For this video I will be looking to rent some battery powered smoke/fog machines where I will use in the beginning. My light source will almost entirely be that of natural light, and I have several locations chosen for each scene. I need to get permission to shoot in my first location, as of now, I'm looking to shoot in the back of my old high school up in Worthington. From there, back into my neighborhood where we have a big creek in the woods which works perfectly. From there, I will most likely move it to the woods in Highbanks National Park. The woods scenes will all work sequentially appearing as one forest, but there is something that I need from every location to meet my vision. I'm still very much in the research phase but its all mentally coming together. I will have to wait to shoot until the ice and much of the snow melts because I need the creek to be thawed. 

Let me know thoughts and opinions! :)

Artist Statement Redo

For my semester long project, I will be creating a musical narrative in the way of a music video to the song, The Cave, by Mumford and Sons. The reason I chose this song was because it of the lyrics powerful message and its uplifting, heart pounding rhythm. The moral of my piece will be, "Don't be afraid to break out of conformity; be yourself and do what makes you happiest." This piece will show power and individualism while getting away from our industrial society and getting in touch with nature.