Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Progress: The Cave

I am so jazzed up about this project! I have already chosen my lead for this piece, and I am collecting models for the rest of the video. As far as my story boarding goes, I have it all in my head and my hands just can't move fast enough to get it all on paper!

 For this video I will be looking to rent some battery powered smoke/fog machines where I will use in the beginning. My light source will almost entirely be that of natural light, and I have several locations chosen for each scene. I need to get permission to shoot in my first location, as of now, I'm looking to shoot in the back of my old high school up in Worthington. From there, back into my neighborhood where we have a big creek in the woods which works perfectly. From there, I will most likely move it to the woods in Highbanks National Park. The woods scenes will all work sequentially appearing as one forest, but there is something that I need from every location to meet my vision. I'm still very much in the research phase but its all mentally coming together. I will have to wait to shoot until the ice and much of the snow melts because I need the creek to be thawed. 

Let me know thoughts and opinions! :)

1 comment:

  1. Definitely wait until the creek thaws (especially since you will have your actor run without shoes! Be careful--the creeks that run around Tucker Drive can have glass in them). It does look like you have lots of ideas racing down onto paper! Talk with your peers about fog machines (I have no idea but I'm sure someone in our class does!).
    This will sound very strange, but don't worry about the timing right now (I noticed the indication of time under some of the frames). Just get the story-drawings down and use a program like Premiere or AE to edit the frames together. After it is edited, you will know the running time for each shot.
