Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Filming this Sunday...Hopefully!

The weather forcast is showing scattered showers for this Sunday, but I'm hoping to still make the most of it. The weather has been changing almost as fast as every few hours, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping I can finally get this filming over with!! Cheers to the waiting game, again. *sigh*


  1. Thank you for being honest! A good trick for future projects is to still work when you can't work... for example: access the Digital Tutors training videos (CCAD> Library> Subject Guides> Animation) and work through a Final Cut or After Effects tutorial. Just snap a screen capture showing the DT window and your process in whatever program you are training in.

  2. love seeing the progress after hearing what you wanted to do with this video. the song is perfect and the video i know will be nothing short of great. cant wait to see more video shots
