Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Prediction(s)!

For this upcoming project, I would really love to dabble in video for, more or less, the first time ever. Naturally I love photography, but video offers a whole other level to the word "image". I'm taking Video I this semester as well, so the idea of class crossover really appealed to me. Besides just filmed motion, stop motion really interests me too. Fall semester last year I took Time Based Media Design and made a stop motion video. This has really inspired me to take a second go around with this method as well, because while it was incredibly time consuming, I absolutely loved doing it. Below is the link to the stop motion that I made, its to the song "Sleepyhead" by Passion Pit.

Its funny, looking back at it now, I see MILLIONS of things I would love to change/do over/etc. If I do go with motion picture, I will most definitely be doing something a song, a music video perhaps, or even a story like sequence with music elements. I'm not certain if I want to take the stop motion route again, or try and stick with genuine filmed video.

If video fails, another idea that I have is that I would really enjoy doing a very large photo series. Whether they are portraits, or landscape, (I think definitely portraits) I would want TONS of images. Perhaps a fashion series of images incorporating the outdoors and secluded scenes, or something much simpler than that in regards to portraits of the human body, of all different body types. I got a really nice Macro lens in November that I think could work out very well in my favor if I were to take this route. For example, I could take 50+ images of different peoples eyes, stomachs, legs, lips, smiles, hands, skin, hair, etc. So basically, breaking down the simple aspects of the human body in a beautiful light.

Thoughts and opinions? I could sure use them!

1 comment:

  1. I think a journey into video production sounds good! It will take you out of your comfort zone and, like you stated, offers a whole other level... Content wise, I would encourage you to find a local musician or friend. That catch is to avoid any piece of music that you do not have the rights to use. Or find something in the public realm... When you craft your statement, talk to us about why stop-motion is important to your piece. Why do you need to use stop-motion verses traditional video or photography?
