Wednesday, October 20, 2010

JFJ Project- "Mom" Progress

The progress that I've made on my project thus far has been figuring out how I want to depict my different visuals to help convey my message and illustrate my letter to "Mom". Examples of some of my image ideas are as follows:

  • To create imagery of a child standing in a lit doorway (background) over looking a dark room. In the foreground, the camera will be shooting from on the floor and you will see a hand laying lifeless off the side of a couch with an empty bottle of vodka on the ground.
  • To create imagery of a child standing on an old chair in front of a stove, stirring steaming pots. 
  • To create metaphorical images using hills/steep inclines, etc, with positive icons at the top and negative icons at the bottom, all relevant to my original statement. The age of the person hiking/struggling up these inclines will vary in age depending on the visual "goals and struggles".
  • Perhaps in all of the above images, hide the actual hand written letter in the photo.
  • Write the original "letter" on paper by hand, and photograph the letter in elements relevant to the contents of the letter. 

I would like to do a small series and/or narrative to express this piece. I will post supporting images here in a little bit to help visualize my ideas. Please feel free to ask me questions, I'd love to answer them!


1 comment:

  1. Holey Moley! That's a lot of content! Do you have time to incorporate all of this? I am glad that you are motivated to see this concept through in a thorough method, but I also recognize that this one class of many on your schedule... Aim for Quality over Quantity. Maybe this is one of the events in the letter (you can always add more images later on your own time).
    And thank you for changing the background picture on your blog! :-)
